Logos 10.1 Beta 1
Logos 10.1 Beta 1
Released: October 18, 2022
New Features
- Favorites
- Added a “Go to Reference” section in the Favorites menu.
- Added a “Mobile Favorites” folder in the Application Folder and will be present if users create favorites in the mobile app. This folder cannot be renamed or deleted.
- Passage Lists
- Resources
- Resources added to Shortcuts will default to the full resource title until an abbreviation is assigned.
- Search
- Added Factbook Tags, Bookstore, Docs, Maps, and Factbook search kinds.
- The Print Library icon shows on downloaded resources in All Search.
- Updated the size of the heading text.
- passage:List is supported in Bible Search.
- Added Local Books, Cloud Books, Personal Books, and Print Library collections under Books Search.
- Autocomplete appears after passageList, addressee, and speaker keywords.
- Additional improvements to autocomplete.
- Improvements to the relevance of results for certain search types.
- Sermons
- Title slide is now visible in Slides View.
Bug Fixes
- Concordance
- Resolved a bug that caused the Concordance tool to fail to generate for certain file types.
- Documents
- Resolved a bug that caused the Documents menu popup to not be dismissed when creating a new Document.
- Favorites
- Resolved a bug that caused Favorites icons to appear pixelated on high resolution monitors.
- Corrected tile colors for icons in the Favorites menu.
- Machine Translation
- Resolved a bug that caused Machine Translation to fail when in multi-resource view.
- Morph Picker
- Resolved a bug that caused Morph Picker to mishandle exclusions.
- Print Library
- Resolved a bug that caused Print Library resources to still be accessible without the Print Library license.
- Search
- Resolved a bug that caused Sermon cards to show up in All Search in Verbum.
- Resolved a crash that occurred when searching in non-English languages.
- Resolved a bug that caused negated references to never load the Factbook card in All Search.
- Resolved a bug that caused certain search commands to not work as expected.
- Resolved a bug that caused autocomplete to not offer valid suggestions after a period.
- Resolved a bug that caused IN searches to show false results if a footnote contained the query.
- Resolved a bug that caused a crash when running a proximity search.
- Timeline
- Resolved a bug that caused the facet expander to collapse after the mouse button was released when clicking and dragging to navigate the timeline.
- Resolved a bug that occasionally kept event pop ups from appearing when clicking on an item in the timeline.
- Resolved a bug that caused the start date of certain events to appear off compared to events around them.
- Resolved a bug that caused Timeline to not navigate to events if the header for that section was collapsed.
- Toolbar
- Resolved a bug that caused the Logos/Verbum icon to change sizes when toggling between Left and Top Toolbar orientation.
Mac Bug Fixes
- Search
- Resolved a bug that caused the autocomplete menu to appear after a search had already been run.
- Resolved a bug that caused the search query text to be highlighted when using the “+” button.