Logos 4.3 RC 1 Logos 4.3 RC 1Bug FixesContext menuFixed bug that caused a hang when using the right-click menu to run a search. (See this thread.)Personal BooksAdded support for right-to-left language display.Added ‘Open’ link to edit view.Added indicator icon for successful/unsuccesful build.Added ‘How-To’ button to panel. (See known issues.)Added escape syntax so that references will not be automatically detected. Syntax for ignoring references: {{~ Reference }} This syntax will also work to prevent text from automatically being stripped from the compiled book, such as the syntax for milestones.Fixed bug that ignored table settings. Tables should now be respected by the compiler. (Though, due to the handling of tables in Logos XML, they may display slightly different in regards to column width/row height.)Fixed bug that did not correctly utilize logosres: hyperlinks and redirected to the resource title page rather than the appropriate location. (See known issues.)Resource InformationFixed spacing of edition help icon.Search Panel Fixed bug that caused ‘x’ not to be highlighted in search results for queries such as ‘x BEFORE 1 WORDS y BEFORE 2 WORDS z’.Bug Fixes for MacText ComparisonFixed bug which caused the F7 shortcut not to display the reference text.Bug Fixes for WindowsPersonal BooksFixed regression that caused Edit and Open links to be missing in the Personal Books panel.Fixed bug that caused a .NET Framework error when trying to compile three or more books at a time.Resource PanelFixed bug which caused incorrect display of right-to-left languages when copying one verse from an Interlinear resource.Syntax Search DocumentFixed crash caused by emptying a field in the ‘occurrences’ drop down and then clicking another option. (See this thread.)Known IssuesPersonal BooksPersonal Books from LDLS3 (*.lbxpbb) cannot be read in Logos 4; they will need to be recompiled from the original sources. For more information, see this thread.Not all Word formatting is supported, e.g. text effects and word art, highlighting, fill effects, text boxes, charts, embedded documents and other similar features will be ignored.Help section for Personal Books has not been added. ‘How-To’ button currently routes to beginning of the help files.Hyperlinks utilizing the logosres: format for articles (art=) may not link correctly as these links are case sensitive and the URL output in the program is not. The current workaround until another solution is found is to try manually CAPS the unique portions of the link, i.e. logosres:cathlect;art=index.1stsundayofadvent.yearb will link incorrectly to the resource title page whereas logosres:CATHLECT;art=INDEX.1STSUNDAYOFADVENT.YEARB will link to the correct location.