Updated for Logos version 24+
Page Contents
Resources will have an Information page accessible via the Panel menu.
This information can be useful to your understanding of how Logos uses the resource.
The actual content will vary between resource types, but you will typically see the following:
- Image of the cover of the book
- General information on the book
- Its Title(s)
- The Rating which you have assigned for this book
- Tags which you have assigned for this book
- Citation information for this book
- Copyright information on this book
- Series
- Collections
- Index information which affects how Logos accesses this book
- Search Fields which can be used to Search for specific information within the text e.g. Words of Christ.
- Support Info with publication/file details specific to Logos.
- Reverse Interlinear information will be seen in translations (e.g. bibles) which have that feature.
Viewing a Resource’s Info
Open a book in your layout and then open its Information page from the Panel menu.
- You can click the
button to return.
General Info area

- Front cover image of the book.
- Title
- click to change and assign your own title
- clear the box to restore the original title
- Abbreviated Title (“Short title” when not assigned)
- click to change and assign your own abbreviated title
- it is displayed in the resource tab and can be used in the Command box and in Collection rules.
- Description of the book.
- Edition - “Logos Research Edition”, “Logos Reader Edition”, “eBook”, or “User Created” (Personal Book)
- The Rating that you have assigned to this book
- click the appropriate star to change the Rating.
- right-click to Clear the rating.
- Estimated Percentage Read.
Not shown if 0%.
- The Tags that you have assigned to this book
- The resource Type
- a Bible is clarified as “English Bible”, “Greek Bible” etc.
- is not shown for Monograph.
Citation area

- The current citation style is shown e.g. APA Style.
- Click to select another style.
- The next line is the Citation for this book, relative to the style you selected above.
- Click on Copy if you want to copy the citation info to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere.
Copyright area
This area will show you information about the hard copy & electronic version of your book e.g. publisher, copyright date.
Some books will have information regarding how much text you may legally copy.

Series area
This area will show you the Series, if any, to which this book belongs. You can get more information at
Series in the Library Info Pane, because you can only add, or remove this book from a Series.

Indexes area

(Indexes for “DBL Greek”)
This area is particularly useful in knowing how Logos can access this book for a lookup e.g. by lemma, by Strong’s number. Some may have only one index and others, like a lexicon, may have quite a few indexes. But not all books will have (or need) Indexes e.g. A Survey of Bible Doctrine has no indexes.
To help you understand what an Index is used for, think of the Reference box in a Bible. You can enter a Bible reference in that box and Logos will navigate to that scripture book/chapter/verse. So if you were to look in the Indexes area of that Bible’s information window you would see Bible, or a variant of it. Likewise, if you were to enter a word in the reference box of a dictionary, then Logos will navigate to that word in the dictionary. Some books have a number of Indexes assigned. For instance, the Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon has several ways to navigate to its original language words e.g. by Strong’s numbers, original language lemma, TDNT number.
So you may ask what all this means to you. Well if you understand how certain books are Indexed then it would help you better arrange them when Prioritizing your library. For instance, lexicons which are indexed on Strong’s numbers might be prioritized higher if you use Strong’s when seeking information on original language words. Also when setting up a reading plan, knowing how a book is indexed can help you set the range that you want to read each day. So you see that this area of information can help you understand how Logos can use a book.
Search Fields area
This tells you about tagged areas of text that you can use to restrict your searches e.g. footnote, Words of Christ.

- The Search Fields area describes all the fields for this specific book.
- If you open a Search window and use Basic search in your book, then ...
- if you click on All text and then ...
- click on Search Fields
Logos lists the Search fields for your book.
So you can narrow your search by using one or more of these fields.
Support Info area
Information in this area may or may not be useful to you. But if you ever contact Logos Tech support or ask a question on the Forum, then you might be asked to supply some of this information found in this area.

- LLS:46.30.9 is Logos’ resource ID for this book. It is used internally in the program.
- The resource ID can be typed or pasted into the Command box and Logos will display the book’s title.
- The version information is a timestamp.
- The last item is the filename of your book in the Logos Resources folder.