Books Missing Pagination and Other Indexes
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Books Missing Page Numbers
R. C. Sproul Books
Cornelius Van Til Books
John MacArthur Books
IVP New Testament Commentaries
IVP Background Commentaries
Other Books
Books Missing Headword Indexing
Books Missing Bible Verse Indexing
Books Missing Navigable Table of Contents
Other Missing Indexes
Books Missing Page Numbers
Nearly all of the books Logos has produced in the last several years include pagination, but some older books are missing page numbers. If your favorite book is missing page numbers, add it below.
R. C. Sproul Books
- Annotated Bibliography of R.C. Sproul’s Works
- Before the Face of God, Book 1: A Daily Guide for Living from the Book of Romans
- Before the Face of God, Book 2: A Daily Guide for Living from the Gospel of Luke
- Before the Face of God, Book 3: A Daily Guide for Living from the Old Testament
- Choosing My Religion
- Doubt and Assurance
- Essential Truths of the Christian Faith
- Following Christ
- The Glory of Christ
- If There’s a God, Why Are There Atheists?
- The Intimate Marriage
- The Last Days According to Jesus
- The Mystery of the Holy Spirit
- Renewing Your Mind: Basic Christian Beliefs You Need to Know
- R. C. Sproul’s Chapters from Symposium Volumes
- Selected Articles from “Tabletalk” Magazine
- The Soul’s Quest for God
- Ultimate Issues
Cornelius Van Til Books
- Christ and the Jews
- A Christian Theory of Knowledge
- Christianity and Barthianism
- Common Grace
- New Synthesis of the Netherlands
- The Articles of Cornelius Van Til
- The Dutch Articles of Cornelius Van Til
- The Pamphlets, Tracts, and Offprints of Cornelius Van Til
- Reviews by Cornelius Van Til
- The Sermons and Addresses of Cornelius Van Til
- Unpublished Manuscripts of Cornelius Van Til
- A Guide to the Writings of Cornelius Van Til 1895–1987 by Eric D. Bristley
- Introduction to the Works of Cornelius Van Til 1895–1987 by Eric H. Sigward, editor
- Jerusalem and Athens by E. R. Geehan, editor
John MacArthur Books
- Gospel According to Jesus
- How to Study the Bible
- Strange Fire
- The first (thirteen) volumes that Logos produced:
- Matthew, Galatians, 1 Peter, James, Hebrews, Luke, Acts, Ephesians, 1-3 John, 2 Corinthians, 1-2 Timothy & Titus, Colossians & Philemon, Revelation
- The IVP Bible Background Commentary New Testament – Craig S. Keener
- The IVP Bible Background Commentary Old Testament – John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews & Mark W. Chavalas
- Dictionary of Christianity in America
- Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
- Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary
- The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary
Other Books
- Believer’s Bible Commentary – MacDonald & Farstad
- Christian History Magazine
- College Press NIV Commentary: Matthew – Larry Chouinard
- A Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments
- The Complete Guide to Bible Versions – Philip Comfort
- The Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer (entire volume is missing page numbers)
- Evangelical Commentary on the Bible, edited by Walter Elwell
- Evangelical Review of Theology, Volumes 23-29 (possibly more, but not all, those are the only ones confirmed)
- The Five Books of Moses – Everett Fox
- History of Israel – John Bright
- John Calvin: A Pilgrim’s Life – Herman Selderhuis
- Institutes of the Christian Religion – John Calvin
- Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible
- The Minor Prophets – Hampton Keathley
- New Bible Commentary : 21st Century Edition. 4th ed.; D. A. Carson
- The New Dictionary of Biblical Theology; T. Desmond Alexander and Brian S. Rosner
- Old Testament Survey Series – James E. Smith
- The Pilgrim’s Progress – LLS:10.10.1, Pilgrim.logos4
- The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction and Commentary. J. Alec Motyer.
- A Quest for Godliness; JI Packer
- Sermons on Several Occasions – John Wesley
- A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections – Jonathan Edwards (standalone book, not Edwards ‘Works’)
- Word Pictures in the NT
- The Jerusalem Talmud
Books Missing Headword Indexing
- 1000 Illustrations that Connect, Larson
- AMG Bible Illustrations
- Anecdotes and Illustrations, Torrey
- Encyclopedia of 7000 Illustrations, Tan
- Find It Fast in the Bible
- Illustrations for Biblical Preaching, Green
- My Favorite Illustrations, Hobbs
- Nelson’s Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations, and Quotes, Morgan
- New Encyclopedia of Christian Quotations, Water
- Speaker’s Sourcebook of New Illustrations, Hurley
- The Tale of the Tardy Oxcart and 1,501 Other Stories
Books Missing Bible Verse Indexing
- 4000 Questions and Answers on the Bible
- All the Questions in the Bible
- Analytical Handbook of the Greek Text of the Letter to the Philippians
- Baffled to Fight Better (Job) – Oswald Chambers
- The Beatitudes – Pink
- The Bible Knowledge Commentary (outlines not linked to the Bible text)
- Bible Studies – Adolf Deissmann (Missing Index of Greek Words the book covers)
- Dictionary of Bible Themes: The Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies. (Martin Manser)
- An Exposition of Ephesians – Lloyd-Jones
- The Finished Work of Christ: The Truth of Romans 1-8
- God’s Masterpiece – Gaebelein
- Hebrews Through a Hebrew’s Eyes – Sacks
- International Theological Commentary (27 Vols.)
- Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World – Carson
- Joel: The Day of the Lord (commentary, missing Bible index)
- Malachi: Messenger of Rebuke and Renewal (commentary, missing Bible index)
- The Most High God – Showers (setup as commentary type but bible index is missing)
- Not Knowing Where (Gen 12-25) – Oswald Chambers
- Sermon Outlines on the Book of Proverbs – Wood (recently was made a “Bible Commentary” type; but missing Bible index)
- Shade of His Hand (Ecclesiastes) – Oswald Chambers
- Sheffield/T & T Clark Bible Guides Collection (44 Vols.)
- Studies in the Sermon on the Mount – Oswald Chambers
- The Treasury of David (volumes 1 through 5) – Spurgeon
- The Works of Josephus: New Updated Edition
- Zondervan Dictionary of Bible Themes
Books Missing Navigable Table of Contents
- Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible
- Exploring the Old Testament – Schultz & Smith
Other Missing Indexes
- Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged (Greek Strong’s Number and TDNT number)