Bug: Copying Spanish Bible via CBV gives spurious output
When copying from the RVR60 into WordPerfect, choosing the WordPerfect target, any letter following an accented vowel goes missing.
Example 1 (copying to WP setting WP as the target):
1 Cuando pasól dí de reposo, Marí Magdalena, Marí la madre de Jacobo, y Salomé compraron especias aromáicas para ir a ungirle.
Example 2 (copying to WP setting Word as the target):
1 Cuando pasó el día de reposo, María Magdalena, María la madre de Jacobo, y Salomé, compraron especias aromáticas para ir a ungirle.
Both examples above are copy/pasted from WordPerfect X4 into this report, after pasting (Ctrl-V) into WP from the CBV module.
CBV settings: Simple Paragraphs from Reina Valera Revisada 1960 to WordPerfect.
Software version: 4.0c Beta 2.
Reported by Richard DeRuiter.
Forum link: https://logos.vanillacommunities.com/forums/
Status: confirmed