Creating a Crash Dump with ADPlus
If instructed to by Tech Support, please follow these instructions to create a crash dump of Logos 4:
- Install the Debugging Tools for Windows (32-bit version)
- Download and install from
- If prompted to choose a “Complete” or “Custom” install, choose “Complete”.
- Make a note of where the Tools are installed; this folder will be referred to as DBGTOOLS in the rest of these instructions.
- On 32-bit Windows, it’s usually
C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)
- On 64-bit Windows, it’s usually
C:\Program Files (x86)\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)
- Open an Administrator Command Prompt. In that command prompt, enter the following commands (replacing DBGTOOLS with the full path to where Debugging Tools for Windows is installed):
cd <em>DBGTOOLS</em>
cscript ADPlus.vbs -crash -NoDumpOnFirst -MiniOnSecond -sc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Logos4\System\Logos4.exe"
- Several message boxes may be displayed; click OK on each.
- Logos 4 will launch (but no splash screen will be displayed); wait for it to open, which may take longer than normal.
- Perform the action that caused the crash. When the crash happens, the program will seem to hang while debugging information is collected. If prompted to close Logos 4, close it.
- Open Windows Explorer to the DBGTOOLS folder. There should be a subfolder whose name begins with “Crash_Mode”. (If there are multiple folders, pick the one with the latest date.)
- Zip up that “Crash_Mode” subfolder and email the zip file to your tech support contact.
- Once you have confirmed receipt of the crash dump, you can delete the “Crash_Mode” subfolder to save disk space.