How to Use the COM API
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This page describes how to create a project that uses and references the Logos COM API. For an existing project that demonstrates the API, see COM API Demo Project.
Visual Studio
In Solution Explorer, right-click your project name and choose Add Reference. Select the COM tab, and choose Logos Bible Software 4 Type Library in the list. Click OK to add a project reference.

Add code similar to the following to create the LogosLauncher object and get the application:
using Logos4Lib;...LogosLauncher launcher = new LogosLauncher();launcher.LaunchApplication();// Wait for application to start.LogosApplication app = launcher.Application;
Visual Basic .NET
Add code similar to the following to create the LogosLauncher object and get the application:
Imports Logos4Lib...Dim launcher As LogosLauncher = New LogosLauncherlauncher.LaunchApplication()' Wait for application to start.Dim app As LogosApplication = launcher.Application
This PowerShell script launches Logos:
$launcher = New-Object -com "LogosBibleSoftware.Launcher"$launcher.LaunchApplication()$logos4 = $launcher.Application