BUG/ISSUE: Desktop App Crashes When Using Passage Guide
As a new user and recent subscriber to Logos I am getting a bit discouraged. The last couple of days I've been having quite a few issues. The most recent is the Desktop App that crashes when I use the passage guide. The app in general is a lot slower than before and I can't see what the point is in using this if it's not…
Well, I can't get very far without Errors from FL
Logos.com home page (selected from Logos icon); clicked on Choose Your Plan. Latest Safari; ios.
Add a payoff or change the payment plan on the Logos website
Create a way to change the payment plan or create a payoff button for a faster way to payoff payment plans.
New Testament in Greek - No comment or other - ONLY Text
Hi. I need a book with all New Testament in Greek. Specs: little dimensions only text no comment on scripture no apparatus, notes, etc. paper ok for taking little note with my pen. Thank you for your help. Vittorio Goletti. PS Now I use Nestle Aland Novum Testamentum Graece, 28. Super good, but: many notes i dont need,…
Book Covers Not Displaying Correctly.
Hi there, I'm wondering if there is anyone else with the same issue. Some of my book covers are not showing properly on the Desktop App. It's showing outdated covers and I've confirmed with Logos support that the books are the most recent available. Sadly, Logos support could not help me (kind of felt like they didn't want…
The Cost of Discipleship- Book version
Add The Cost of Discipleship as a book on Logos, and not just an audiobook.
So I only use the online Logos... however recently when
Recently when I type in to my sermons a scripture reference it stopped adding the scripture. It still turns blue like a link but the scripture isn't inserted in the sermon. Is there a reason this has changed (have I clicked it off by accident? ) Please let me know how I can get this feature going again. I loved it. Thanks…
McKnight - Matthew: Living Everyday as Jesus Taught Us (New Testament Everyday Bible Study Series)
Why can't I just buy this product:
E. K. Bailey Essential Sermon Archive
Why is the E. K. Bailey Essential Sermon Archive highlighted with a picture on the Logos.com Black Voices Adding New Chapters to a Vast History banner but not actually on sale this month? Just curious.
Feb's Monthly Sale Has Some Good Academic-ish
First, you have your Anchor Yales. That's a bit touch and go, relative to libraries. Then, you have some inexpensive Zondervan Exegeticals. I bought all 3 for $15 or so. Finally, if you're missing any Marginal Jews (I was missing vol 5), the dynamic pricing pulls in individual volumes not currently on sale. Good month,…
Beware - Deceptive Checkout Offer for "Free Trial"
I was offered a "free trial" at checkout that, apparently, I wasn't eligible for as a Logos 10 owner. Anyway, I got charged and can't get a refund for a subscription. It wasn't made clear that I wasn't eligible for this free trial. I also think it's a deceptive business practice to offer free trials to ineligible accounts.…
Can access Bible Books Explorer and Psalms Explorer on laptop, not on iPad or Android
I've updated to the latest version of Logos. I can get the Bible Books Explorer and Psalms Explorer on my laptop by going to the library, and typing in either "Bible Books Explorer" or "Psalms Explorer". This doesn't work on either my iPad or on my Android Galaxy S23. What am I doing wrong?
Why I can no longer recommend Logos Bible Software.
Please select 1-3 relevant tags below once you're finished. It was about 1991 when I bought my first Logos Bible Software. I had the old CDWORD bible program, which ran from a CD-ROM, which I purchased from Dallas Theological Seminary because it had helpful Greek tools. Logos took over the CDWORD system and offered a…
Will Logos honor these $0.00 Pre-pubs?
I pre-ordered Making Time: A New Vision for Crafting a Life beyond Productivity (on Aug 27, 2024) and Nine Words from Jesus: A Manifesto of Hope to Thrive in the Present and Prevail in the Future (on Sep 7, 2024), both for $0.00. I'm checking up on them now and I'm confused by what I'm seeing: For Making Time, why is my…
PLEASE FIX: need sample for 'Unger's Commentary of the Old Testament'
…by Merrill F Unger Book's in Prepub. Please provide a sample to show it's high quality. Mr Wise provides an excellent review at the bottom of the volume's page. Logos: I thank you in advance for this sample.
Is it possible to make Logos.com more ridiculous
Yes, this is endlessly repeatable … enter Abilene or Abilene Press; get InterVarsityPress The machine interpretation is so close to what I entered … I mean perhaps if you took the ISSN's of one of them and compared them digit by digit to the ISSN's of the other you would find they use the same 10 digits of the Arabic…
In the email lists (Faithlife account), what does "Get it all" get you?
I recently unsubscribed from all Logos emails, then I went back and signed up again, but to only Learn Logos and Word by Word. At the bottom of the page, there's a "Get it all" option and I'd initially checked that box, thinking it related to the Word by Word updates. However, yesterday, I got a "See what we're reading"…
When is the 'New Year, New Bible Study' sale ending?
Does anyone know when the sale on study Bibles is ending? I'm not seeing an end date on Logos.com.
I Sure Wish Logos.com was Smarter
I know, I know … I'm complaining yet again. But I been excited about a lot of the book suggestions on the forum recently. I quickly hop over to Amazon to check them out (and see if worth getting). But going over to Logos.com is … well, unenthused. I sort by 'New' and there's a whole bunch of titles that don't remotely…
Link to Release Notes goes nowhere.
If I try to open the release notes from the link in the information circle (https://community.logos.com/Logos_39.1) it takes me to a page with this: Page Not Found Oops! It seems the page you’re looking for isn’t here. But don’t worry—we’ve got plenty of resources to help. Search our community or start fresh on our home…
Proceed button does not work in Checkout - Help please!
I cannot purchase anything through the logos shopping cart. If I add something to the cart and then click the Proceed button, the page blinks and I still get the checkout page. It does not progress to the billing or other steps. I have emailed Logos support (and not heard back) and tried the various things suggested on the…
2025 Denominational Library Email
I received an email about the release of the 2025 Denominational Libraries being available, but when I click on the link, it brings up the already existing Standard, Preacher, and Researcher options, but nothing I see to choose a denomination. Am I doing something wrong?
Give Mary Jahnke a raise!
I'm literally on the beach. First vacation in years. Still took the time to read Mary Jahnke's blog post on the latest updates. It's the best thing Logos has done in years. Keep the clear tutorials coming on that format. While Logos' main webpage is a disaster in terms of letting you know what it is and how to watch…
BUG: Dynamic Pricing Error for Denominational Libraries
Logos.com is telling me that I own every resource in 2025 Wesleyan Starter, however, it's still showing a price of $0.81 for me instead of being free. I checked the product page itself and I'm seeing the same error.
"Custom Compare" in 2025 denominational libraries page
I wonder if there a plan to bring a "custom compare" function to the denominational libraries page. This has been available in the past. I've seen others comment on how much scrolling is involved currently, and this is mainly due to the portfolio packages taking up so much vertical space. If I could choose not to include…
March Matchups is coming: Make your picks!
It’s that time of year—almost. While we wait in the winter chill, we look toward the warmth of Spring, and of course, March Matchups. 🎉 Voting is officially live, and it’s your chance to shape the showdown! Here’s how it works this year: Head to the March Matchups page to draft your top 10 most-wanted Logos collections.…
Logos.com not currently available title
On unavailable titles such as it would be useful to have an option to be notified when (and if) it again becomes available.
the fork in the road
Logos and Verum seem to be diverging. Consider that the shopping cart on logos.com is not the same as on verbum.com . What I infer here, is that if I search Logos.com for a book, and do not find it, I then have to search verbum.com to see if it is there. They seem to be two completely different stores. Shouldnt you have…
Wrong Books Listed in SDA 2025
@Cheyenne Lehto While looking at the SDA Libraries (I've only looked at Bronze, Silver and Gold) it appears, to me, that the wrong books are listed. I am talking about each level's own web page. When you look at the Resource Highlights for each package, none of them are listed in the list of resources. In the list of…
The amount of emails is getting too much
It would be very nice if the number of emails from Logos could be limited to e.g. 1 per day or 1 per week. It would be a shame to fully unsubscribe, but the amount of emails is now really getting too much.
How do I find the semi-monthly "hot buys" sales?
I used to always look forward to the hot buys for some good deals. But it seems the last time there was a link on the site for them was several weeks ago. But since then we've had several "hot buys". But still no link to the sale - it's only if you happen to find them when browsing. Currently there appears to be two sets…
Add to Wishlist not available in store...
For items that I have temporary access too via my subscription, I am unable to add them to my wishlist to purchase permanently (if I later cancel my sub) Please fix or tell me where Im going wrong Ta
Make Order History Filterable by Date
I have an order history on Logos.com with 936 orders dating back to 2008, which is not that big relative to some folks here. However, when I try to view the list, Chrome, Edge, or Firefox slow down to a crawl—almost crashing. It is very slow, even on my 12-core 64 gig system. Accessing a year's worth of purchases as I…
RESOLVED Why doesn't logos.com believe me when I say what I want
I want chiasm … I do not want chasm … and every attempt to get around the stupidity put chiasm farther down on the list. Okay, I finally won the battle
Tyndale 47 vol Commentaries in Shopping Cart
Tyndale Commentaries | TOTC/TNTC (47 vols.)Sale Price is $61.07 for 4 updated volumes which can be purchased for $10.99 each = $43.96. So I added them individually to the Cart. For a test, I then added the 47 volume set and the individual volumes were removed leaving me to pay $61.07! I received notification of the 47…
BUG: email says visit Wish Lists; lists on vacay, were not there
I received an email: buy this Lexham book. I see 'visit your wish lists' and click it. I have 2 wish lists; neither were there. One account option on left of blank area says 'Wish Lists.' I click it. No Wish Lists populate. Thanks for looking into this.
Tag: Forum - How long before my posts show up under the Notification Bell
I posted something, then wanted to edit it immediately based on something new I had learned. I eventually got to it by going into my profile and showing all my discussions, but it was surprising to me that my new discussion did not show up under the Notification Bell icon. Is this an intended design feature?
Buch des Monats Link geht nicht mehr
Ich vermute mal, dass die Seite wegen Feiertag automatisch ausgetauscht werden sollte, und das irgendwie nicht funktioniert hat. Jedenfalls kommt ein 404 Fehler.
Good Ole Logos.com Again.
I guess it's the New Year. Or just using Logos.com I'm pretty sure this has been discussed before. But it illustrates Logos.com isn't what it used to be. Pulling PrePubs by 'Progress' used to display prepubs almost ready!! Whoo hoo! Now, it's almost ready YEARS AGO (almost 6 years ago to be exact) … and there's more down…
It's Logos.com Again
There's a tag for Logos.com! Not that they visit the forum, given its earlier non-arrival. This time, the strange design feature erases your filter in the text-box, after it delivers whatever it found. Great. If you misspelled, re-type the whole thing If you need to adjust the filter, re-type the whole thing Get…
Logos User Numbers at 2.5 Million in 2015
Last year there was a discussion about how many Logos users there are around the world. Whilst searching through my Logos library in the last few days I cam across this book By Bob Pritchett which reveals a number, from 2015, of 2.5 million users. Scroll down to the About Bob Pritchett part on the following Logos page.
Odd subscription policy
I have a subscription that is ending on 1/3/2025. So I wanted to extend it by getting a 2 year subscription to Max. But if I bought it now, I would lose the last few days of my current subscription rather than having the new, 2-year subscription active until 1/3/2027. I thought the text on my cart was an error, but CS…
Where do I find the "Training videos for Logos Max subscription"?
Where do I find these training videos? There's no link to them on the subscription page. They aren't these https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019103211-Logos-Feature-Training-Videos as these are for Logos 10, not the subscription, and they are also available to anyone, there's nothing there specific to…
12 Days of Logos is coming (really!)
Hi all! If you've visited our 12 Days of Logos page (logos.com/12-days) today, you may have noticed it's not yet working. We ran into some technical issues, and our team is sprinting to get it fixed for you. I'll add a message here when it's back up. So sorry for the trouble, and thank you for your patience!
JASON: URLs from Amazon books not working
Every URL from an Amazon book does not work. I hit every one of them I see. All are inactive… …except for one forumite's. Her first couple were inactive. With her 3rd one, she said she figured out how to do it. This means the process is difficult and needs Logos to work on it to ensure success for all. The process to…