Logos 5.0a RC 1 Logos 5.0a RC 1New FeaturesHelpAdded article information to the URL location. (See this thread.)Bug FixesBible FactsFixed bug which caused missing section headers for Print/Export for events.Fixed bug which caused references to not appear as hyperlinks.Bible Sense LexiconFixed bug which could cause tree graphs to be truncated. (See this thread.)Bible Word StudyFixed bug which causes sense data to appear in the Lemma section if ‘more>>’ was clicked. (See this thread.)NotesFixed bug which caused hint text to appear in Split view when no note had been created.Resource PanelFixed bug which caused crash when scrolling through certain resources with Popular Highlights. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused crash when mousing over text in LLS:1.0.317. (See this thread.)Search Panel BibleFixed bug which caused crash when searching over certain resources in Analysis view. (See this thread.)Word ListsFixed bug which caused crash when deleting a row with a cell in edit mode.Fixed bug which prevented selecting multiple rows.Bug Fixes for MacBible FactsFixed bug which caused resource name for media to not appear hyperlinked.Adjusted bolding and spacing display of alternate titles in drop down entry helper.Fixed bug which caused certain graphics to display in a very small size.Fixed bug which caused thumbnail previews to display too large for certain Biblical Things media images.Fixed button which caused truncated “Actual Size” and “Fit” buttons.GuidesFixed bug which caused crash when rearranging sections in a Guide.HighlightingAdded a ‘Duplicate’ option to the context menu for custom styles.Read AloudFixed bug which caused error when reading Mark 16:9. (See this thread.)Reading PlansFixed bug which caused crash when exporting a Reading Plan to iCal. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented the ellipsis from displaying in the frequency dropdown.Resource PanelFixed bug which caused Hebrew lemmas to appear at the end of morphology popups. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused audio for a video to continue after the video is closed.Fixed bug which sometimes caused the morphology tooltip to appear at the top of the screen. (See this thread.)Search Panel ClauseFixed bug which caused truncation of results in Analysis view.Topic GuideFixed bug which caused text for a link to a Sermon Starter Guide to appear when no link was available.Word ListFixed bug which caused crash when adding from reference with a cell in edit mode.Bug Fixes for WindowsSearch Panel BasicFixed bug which caused crash when hitting the Enter key immediately after showing search history.