Logos 7.4 Beta 4
Logos 7.4 Beta 4
Logos 7.4 Beta 4 ( was released January 23, 2017.
New Features
Sermon Editor
- Slides generated by Sermon Editor now support rich formatting (Bold, Italic, Underline, etc.).
- Multi-paragraph slides can now be created by selecting a range of text that spans multiple paragraphs and pressing the “Add slides from Selected Text” button.
Known Issues:
- Some media use fonts that do not render Bold text distinctly from Normal text.
- Passage and Clipping card slides do not yet use rich formatting.
Sermon Editor
- When opening an existing in-progress sermon, Sermon Editor will use the title slide’s background to determine which template to use.
Bug Fixes
Bible Word Study
- Running a Bible Word Study from a resource lemma no longer crashes the app. (Mac only) Thread
- Program Scaling set above 100% no longer causes Homepage to display incorrectly. Thread
- More link no longer appears when there are no more results to show (also in Passage Guide). Thread, Thread
My Library
- License field is now included when exporting library. Thread
- My Library now correctly groups reading status and license in non-English languages. Thread
Sermon Editor
- Text entered into Description and Private Notes no longer wrap in the middle of words.
- Fixed issue navigating the reverse interlinear ribbon in Chinese Bibles. Thread