Using a PL to copy a verse in Multiple Translations
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This wiki page will guide you in creating a special Passage List and using it to copy a scripture reference with multiple Bible versions into your clipboard. This will enable you to paste it in other apps or places on the web through your browser. This method was first posted on the forum in response to a user trying to implement the Libronix tool Passages in All Versions. By using this specific Passage List (PL) you will be able to approximate this Libronix function in Logos.
This wiki page is broken into 3 basic sections below: Building a Collection to identify desired Bible versions, Building the specific Passage List, and How to use the Passage List to copy & paste your verse. The first two sections help you create the new special PL and will not need to be repeated. While the third section shows you how to typically use this PL.
In the original post an alternative method is shown (here and here) that uses the Text Comparison tool. You may find it easier to use than the method shown in this wiki page. When using the Text Comparison (TC) tool you will need to have tagged your Bibles or created a collection for your desired Bible translations. To copy your verse(s) from the TC tool you will need to go to the Print/Export window for TC and click on Copy to clipboard under Export. Or you can click in the TC and select what you want copied and right-click on your selection and in the pop-up menu click on Copy.
Building a Collection to identify desired Bible versions
This section shows you how to build a collection of English Bibles to use in your Passage List. You may already have one or more collections which identify your Bibles and if so you can skip this section. Only remember in the other sections to recognize when English Bibles is mentioned that you will need to use your already existing collection.
Here we will build a simple Collection for all your English Bibles that are in your Logos Library. This may be too inclusive containing more Bibles than you want. So if this is the case after building the collection you can drag undesired Bible(s) from your collection list to the - Minus these resources area of the Collection window to exclude them from your list.
Creating a Collection of all your English Bibles

- In the menu bar click on Tools and in the drop down menu click on Collections.

- Logos opens the Collections window to a new collection, if an existing collection is open click on the New button. Now in the title box type in the new name for your collection: English Bibles.
- Now in the Rule box type in this rule: type:Bible AND lang:English

- Now you have your new collection for English Bibles. You will see them listed here along with the number of Bibles in your collection (your number will probably be different depending on your Library content).
Building the specific Passage List
Here we will build a specific Passage List to use when we want to copy a single scripture verse from multiple Bibles to our clipboard for pasting somewhere. You will want to name it appropriately so that you can find it later in the File area.
Creating a Passage List tool for copying a scripture in multiple Bibles

- In the menu bar click on File and in the drop down menu on the left click on Passage List. Logos will open a new Passage List.

- First you will want to name your new Passage List (PL). So click in the title box and type: Passages in All Versions
- Logos will not show us a list of Bibles until we enter a scripture reference, so click in the Reference box and type: John 3:16 and then press the Enter key.

- Now click on Add Versions link.

- Now click in the Resources box and Logos will show you a drop down list of your resources.
- Locate your collection English Bibles in the list and click on it. The above image shows mine in Recent but yours will probably be shown under Collections.

- Now we have our new PL for generating a single scripture reference for all our English Bibles.
Tip: To open your new PL later you will need to click on File in the menu bar and on the right side of the drop down menu locate your Passages in All Versions in the list. Or if you use this frequently you might want to add it to your Shortcuts bar or to your Favorites.