Fully Functional MobIle Application
can we please focus on a fully functional mobile application whether it be web app or the mobile app. It is very frustrating to switch between the two for the following examples. web app cant make clippings and share clippings so we need to use mobile app. The mobile app cant add anchors to specific words in Scripture or…
Notes using multiple resources
When you read a passage and you get some insight from multiple resources. What do you notes making people do to indicate that you have worked through those resources, so that when you reach that passage again you don't work through the same resources. Please keep in mind I am a mobile web app user and not desktop.
NEW: Textual History in Insights, ready for beta testing on Web
To access this functionality, a license is required. If you’d like to participate in testing the recent improvements to Insights, please join this Faithlife group. We’re excited to introduce the new Textual History section in Insights. This improvement brings vital information about the original languages and the textual…
Potential Chrome incompatibility with app.logos.com on Mac
We have discovered a potential crash in Chrome version 131 for Mac when interacting with some drop down menus on app.logos.com. Google has fixed the issue in Chrome in version 132. We recommend that users who are affected should update their version of Chrome to version 132 or above.
NEW: Smart Bible Search, ready for beta testing on Web
This functionality requires a license to access it. Please join this Faithlife group if you'd like to participate in testing smart Bible search. Smart Bible search gives you the ability to easily search individual Bibles for whatever you are looking for, without needing to know special syntax. Now you can use natural…
Web app contents section behaving badly. Is this a known bug?
In the web app (app.logos.com), in both Firefox and Chrome browsers, collapsing a section of the contents seems not to be persisted properly. For example: Expand Genesis and select Genesis 3. Collapse Genesis and expand Exodus. Observe that Genesis expands without your requesting it, with chapter 3 highlighted. This…
How to highlight in web app
The highlight only provided for the 5W and 1H, but I could not find or figure out where highlighting tool of solid color pens, emphasis markup, etc have gone to. Could anyone provide assistance to this?
Webapp version of Proclaim
A webapp version of Proclaim would be a great feature, meaning the ability to run Proclaim from within a web browser? One of the reasons has to do with Microsoft's plan to drop support for Windows 10 in October, which will force many people who are not in the position to purchase new computers, to either move to Linux or…
Factbook Passage
does facebook search books in my print library when doing passage in Factbook, for example if I have books in print from puritans and some book has something about that passage, will it then show in the factbook section. This will be based on ipad app and web app.
support cross highlighting for notes between greek and hebrew or english documents
see this discussion for details: it seems that the note highlighting capability is currently rather limited and could be expanded to cover many more resources.
Synopsis of Gospels - Feature Parity
On my Desktop App, I can use a bunch of different resources to view the gospels and choose the bible version for displaying the text as I wish. I'd like to do so on the iPad, too (iOS 18.1.1, Verbum 39.0.1 (2)), but neither in the app nor in the Web App this seems to be possible: Only one Synopsis is showing text at all,…
New Occupational Division: Chaplain
I am finding that the resources I used as a church pastor have much overlap with the ones I use as a chaplain, however, there are differences. Some that I have noticed are comparative religions and cultures and Christian denominations, counseling those from other religions/cultures/denominations, chaplain specific books…
Difference Between Workflow and Study Builder
what are the differences between these, how is each one used.
Dark mode for web app
Hi everyone, Just posting this in case anyone else finds it useful. I've thrown together a dark mode for the web app. Still a work in progress - but much nicer on the eyes, in my opinion. https://userstyles.org/styles/182496/
Web app Dashboard
Why do we have the option to add Daily Devotional, Reading Plan, Sermon Workflow to the dashboard. But when browser closes that is no longer there.
Full Hebrew/Greek Parsing not visible
When I right click on a word (whether from English, Hebrew or Greek Bibles), the word information box pops up, but the full parsing is not visible. I did two example below, one from Hebrew and one from Greek. Even when I hover over or click on the parsing line in the box with the @ symbol, you can't see the full parsing.…
Create Custom Bible Reading Plans
can we please get the option to create custom Bible Reading plans on mobile and web app.
BUG: Why does the book open to its title page?
In testing opening a book from the search panel results, I found the book opens to the reference if the book is already on the device, if I ask it to be downloaded to the device, if I ask it to be opened in the web app … but if I use the Quick buy option, it opens to the title page. Why isn't the correct address passed in…
Why does copy and paste from the web lose paragraphs
Ronald L. Eisenberg, The JPS Guide to Jewish Traditions, 1st ed. (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 2004), 386–387 - I copied three paragraphs from this work on the web app into Word … the paragraph divisions and heading separation were lost. Oops.
Do you prefer using the App or the Online version?
I'm new to Logos. I have Windows PCs, and a Mac laptop, plus tablet and phone. I might be a good candidate for using the Online version(s) of Logos. However, my first instinct is to install them as desktop apps to my computers. For those of you who have done it both ways, why do you prefer one way or another? Is the…
Webapp notes
Why is there a share and hyperlink icon in the notes webapp but its not usable.
Where is my Interlinear Text gone?
Until recently, it worked with the EÜ (Einheitsübersetzung). Now, I can't show it anymore neither on Desktop nor on the Web App. Switching Interlinear on/off doesn't help.
Poll: How often do you use Factbook ❓
A lot of work has gone into the venerable Factbook to curate information from your library. As it is changing, how often do you use it?
Bible Study Builder Ideas
Please share some ideas on how you are making use of the Bible Studie Builder. Do you make clippings based on the questions and then add the clipping document url in the link option, do you make one document per Bible Book, what type of info do add to the document. Do make use of notes? I would love to hear your insights…
Necessary Complexity
Hi Logos team! Thank y’all for your hard work and all that you do to make my work and study easier as a missionary, preacher, and seminary student! You recently sent us a survey asking about the complexity of logos. I wanted to add a comment—I believe that Logos is necessarily complex. It’s the difference between a car’s…
Memorization tool - quiz mode enhancement
Please add the ability to do quizzes on verses in sequential order. This helps for memorizing large passages / entire chapters. For example, currently when memorizing a chapter, when you enter an entire chapter to memorize, then do a quiz, it gives you verses at random, not in order.
Read books on Logos Web through the native Kindle browser
Amazon's Kindle has an experimental browser through which you can access some simple websites. I can even access the domain <biblia.com> which belongs to Faithlife. I can log in with my faithlife/logos account, access the library and even read a book. However, as the site was not prepared to be accessed by Kindle…
How do I have two way conversations on issues as I needed to clarify responses - see below?
I asked the following Question… then John Fidel answered to search books and type Once Saved Always Saved (however, when I do that, it bring up word search for Saved and for Always) which is not what I need. There is no way to respond back with clarifying questions or hold a conversation so this resource is not helpful. Is…
Biblia - Logos Web
I have been aware of Biblia but I have not really understood the intent or webpage operation. The operation on a phone web browser is buggy so it’s not something I have delved into. Sometimes I get the ESV Bible and other times I get a list of books. It seems the intent is to freely share ebooks as described in the about…
Precise Smart Search
When doing smart search you get a lot of unnecessary hits. It picks up every word and it can get to be frustrating. If I search how to handle pressure, that’s what I’m looking for. It might suggest books that use the word handle, or pressure. If we could put it in quotes it might be better.
Parse YouTube Links To Embedded Video in Notes
I would like to see a new feature that if a YouTube link is pasted into a note, you can have the option of it becoming an embedded video in the notes tool.
Amount Remaining in Preaching-Mode
In Preaching Mode, a simple visualization indicating how much of the sermon text remains in the sermon could be very helpful. This morning, I unexpectedly ran out of material before I anticipated. When I reached the last paragraph of my message, I was taken aback to realize that I had already reached the end and needed to…
Add dark mode to web app
Please bring a dark mode/theme to the web app.
Author information in Logos
There is a short summary for each author in the Logos Store. I think it would be great if it were possible to make this summary directly available from the book info in Logos. That way you could get some essential information directly when browsing your own library. The fact book doesn't always help or is less…
Better support for illustrations in sermons
I would find it extremely helpful to add a ki-supported option in the Sermon Editor to search the many resources (!) in your own library for an illustration that matches the text and core idea (!) you have entered. I know there is a assistant for this, but it is far too crude. It gives you a list of hundreds of…
Dark mode on web app
Hey i'm new on 5his platform i was just wondering is a way of aking use of dark mode on web app?
Space for logos on computer
I am getting a notice when I log into logos on my mac that says stop indexing low space please check that you have 1GB of free disk space. My question, having logos on my computer are all my resouces taking up space on my hard drive? Is there a way to use logos on the web to resolve this? The only thing I notice about the…
The trouble with 'Answered'
… is what if it isn't answered?? I ask a question, and it's answered. BUT, I asked poorly. I rewrite the question. But the front matter says 'Answered.' No, it's not + never gets. Or, I ask a 2nd question in tight reference to the first. It may never be answered, because the front matter says 'Answered.' And, what is :…
Bravo Logos! 📣
A big shout out to Team Logos! I just watched the webinar where @Mark Barnes (Logos) described the main features of v. 38 and gave an early preview of v. 39. What I found most interesting was the Q & A session where users could ask questions about the direction of the roadmap. It inspires me to attend the next session with…
Smart Search Prioritized Resources
It would be nice if smart search considered prioritized resources.
Language in bible book selection
Hi all, I have set all language settings to English, but my Bible chapter selection dialogue keeps showing the selected chapter in Dutch. See the picture below. Any idea how to change this? Kind regards, Erik
Can we please get the clippings feature in web app, I need to constantly switch between mobile and web app, as the layout on web app is just better than on mobile. But when gathering info from recourses the web app does not allow the function to clip. So then I need to switch back to mobile app.
The formatting of clippings on the desktop web app is out of wack.
Improve Highlight Icons
When using highlights, recent ones show an icon with the style for the ones that ship with the program but user added styles only have a grayed out generic look to them. It would improve the usability if a more meaningful representation of the highlight style was shown.
"Bibliothek" in der WebApp führt zu Fehler
Seit heute morgen stelle ich fest, dass beim Anklicken von "Bibliothek" in der WebApp nur noch eine Fehlermeldung kommt: "Beim arbeiten mit app.logos.com ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut." Ist der Fehler bekannt? Wird er behoben? Als Linux-Nutzer bin ich auf die WebApp angewiesen …
Bible Study Builder Anchor
Can we get the Bible Study Builder to anchor the notes to related Scripture verses or passage.
Forum navigation
The old forums had categories such as "desktop, mobile, web app, etc." I cant seem to find these categries anymore… just "English forums" maybe I am confused? Also, are there posting limits to a thread? like how many posts are limited to it? I cant seem to reply to anything, unless maybe I just am not understanding how to?…
Various Improvements
In the past several weeks, we've made a large number of improvements to the web app. I will try to highlight several that I think are more relevant (sorry if I missed your favorite, feel free to mention it if I did): * Restyled the app's toolbars and "chrome" to better utilize screen space for panel content. * Add Visual…
What does the bookmark symbol mean?
I want my email to contain marked posts?……Will this bookmark do this?
BUG: Shortcuts No Longer on Shortcut Bar
Today my shortcuts from the desktop app are no longer on the web apps sidebar. Is this intended or is this a bug?