Logos 6.8 Beta 3
Logos 6.8 Beta 3
Logos 6.8 Beta 3 ( was released on November 24, 2015.
Logos Now
Corresponding Words
Added the “Same word” option for the Corresponding Words visual filter, which highlights equivalent word numbers.
Lemma in Passage
The results in the Lemma in Passage section will now have heading levels. Results viewed under Passages will then be sub-grouped by Resource, and vice versa. (Thread)
Personal Letters
Added the “Personal Letters” section to Passage Guide. This section provides links and information for resources which contain personal letters from notable authors, grouped by collection.
- This section also appears in Factbook as the “Letters” section.
- Currently the results will include a result for a PG on John 3:16, and letters in Factbook for Jonathan Edwards and C.S. Lewis.
- More resources that support these sections will be available soon.
Multiple Resources
Fixed bug where enabling the Bible Text Only visual filter caused commentaries added as guest resources to be blank. (Thread)
New Features
Inline Search and Search with “Send searches here” enabled will now retain specified reference ranges and search kinds when searching from the Context Menu.
- For example, setting a search to be only within 1 Peter and then searching a new lemma from the Context Menu will now keep the 1 Peter range, rather than searching all of the NT as it would previously.
Bug Fixes
Bible Word Study
Fixed bug which caused the Senses section to not be properly limited by the selected reference range. (Thread)
With “Copy Citations” enabled in Program Settings, Citations will be automatically added for selections longer than 25 characters. This is noted in the hovertip for the setting.
- The required length was previously 50 characters.
Fixed potential crash when highlighting. (Thread)
Home Page
Fixed bug which prevented in-app links from the Home Page (Reading Plans, etc.) from opening when clicked. (Thread)
Passage Lists
Fixed crash when selecting “Copy to clipboard” from Print/Export in a Passage List. (Thread)
Fixed Logos Smart Tag registration on Windows for 32 bit Office.