Logos 7.2
Logos 7.2
Logos was released on November 14th, 2016.
Logos Now
New Features
Fuzzy Bible Search
- See (Thread) and Help File for more info.
Morph Query Document
- See (Thread) and Help File for more info.
Bible Browser
- Added some Deuterocanonical event data for resources that include those books (e.g., NRSV, NABRE, LXX, Vulgate).
New Features
- Selecting an inline search from the context menu in a guest resource of a multi-resource view will run the search in the same panel, rather than opening a new panel.
Sermon Editor
- Slide styles can now be updated using a “Apply this style to heading slides”, “Apply this style to passage slides”, “Apply this style to quote slides” and “Apply this style to all slides”
- Added the ability to export as Editable text or Fully rendered in PowerPoint export.
- Added support for richer Biblical Entity Kinds in Concordance Tool (requires Concordance to be rebuilt.)
- Plans now display when users have all, part or none of the resources required.
- Improve notification to indicate that an application update is waiting on the indexer.
- It is now possible to search for any word in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean resources. (Chinese 1, Chinese 2, Korean) see (Thread) for technical details.
Text Comparison
- Improved visible difference between the icons for Text Comparison “Compare Parallel Bible Versions” options. (Help File Link)
Bug Fixes
- Results where the search string exactly matches one of the words in the result title will be promoted in the list over results that just start with the search string. (Thread)
- Added German language support for Biblical entities.
Bible Browser
- Fixed bug preventing footnote popups from opening when the footnote was clicked
Clause Search
- Fixed incorrect search results for ANY and NONE queries. (Thread)
- Made suggested community tags more intelligent. (Thread)
- Fixed crash on the word “fathom”.
- Add panel linking to default Topic homepage layout.
- Applied text styles are preserved when editing a slide.
- Fixed Cookbook incorrect search sytax for Preaching Themes. (Thread)
- Fixed bug that caused Everything Search to respect “Match All Word Forms” in Bible section. (Thread)
Sermon Editor
- Deleted heading auto slides can be re-added by clicking “Add slides for selected text” with an empty selection in the heading.
- Support text selection across card styled blocks.
- Fixed Mac UI bug that reduced space between characters when panel width becomes narrowed.
- Mac layouts now load when clicking on the layout title. (Thread)
- Retry failed resource updates after the indexer finishes running. This fixes the most common cause of endless “restart application” notifications.