Logos 9.6
Logos 9.6
Released: July 06, 2021
New Features
- Concordance Tool
- Added localization for French, Chinese, and Portuguese.
- Factbook
- Added new Factbook Contents Sidebar to browse all Factbook pages. Different kinds of pages are grouped as root directories, which are often organized hierarchically. Pages can live in multiple locations in the contents.
- Added a Monographs section to Factbook for Counseling Theme pages.
- Added localization for the Factbook auto-complete in French.
- Library
- Added a link to the online store when there are no results in the Store tab.
- Factbook facets now use standard Bible names for biblical books.
- Resources
- Added a working indicator to Cloud Resource view while the download is in progress.
- Resources purchased using “Quick Buy” are now opened automatically.
- Sermon Builder
- Added Keyboard Shortcuts to tooltips in Sermon Builder.
- Added support to allow the independent changing of the style of each block inside an editable passage block group.
New Features for Windows
- Reading Plans
- Improved the ability of the user to enter multiple reading plan entries rapidly using ENTER, Space Bar, and Tab by adding focus behavior.
- Indexing
- More efficient indexing for Bibles, personal books, and documents.
- Notes Tool
- Faster loading/refreshing of the note list pane in the Notes panel.
- Faster loading/refreshing of the facet/filter pane in the Notes panel.
- Note access while editing or syncing should be faster.
- Resources
- Improved performance for opening and scrolling resources.
Bug Fixes
- Bible Browser
- Fixed Bible Browser styling bugs.
- Bookstore
- Improved product links to use the most appropriate webstore.
- Commentaries Guide Section
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Commentaries Guide Section from being refreshed.
- Dark Mode
- Fixed Dark Mode styling bugs for Bibliography Documents add citations popup.
- Fixed a bug that prevented viewing previews for some resources in Dark Mode.
- Inline Search
- Fixed a bug that required hitting ENTER twice when running a second Inline Search query.
- Factbook
- Fixed a bug the caused certain section expanders to not work correctly. Thread
- Library
- Fixed a crash when opening the Library with some Subject facets applied.
- Notes Tool
- Fixed a bug that caused Bible references to not completely hyperlink when added after an image. Thread, Thread
- Fixed a crash caused by typing `[]` into a note. Thread
- Resource Previews
- Fixed a bug that prevented a full preview from loading after making a purchase.
- Sermon Builder
- Fixed a bug that prevented bold and italics text to not be properly formatted in slides.
- Fixed a bug that caused Content Scaling to make sermon text too large.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the “Send to Sermon” option from appearing in the Context Menu in non-English UI.
- Fixed a bug that caused CTRL/CMD + A to not consistently select all.
- Fixed a bug that caused Sermon Documents to be blank when opened offline.
Bug Fixes for Mac
- Content Scaling
- Fixed a bug that caused workflow text to not fit within the panel width when Content Scaling is set above 100%.
- Dark Mode
- Fixed search bar and markup dropdown styling for Visual Filter documents.
- Fixed resource selector styling.
- Localization
- Fixed a bug that prevented the app from launching in French when OS is set to French.
- Personal Book
- Fixed a bug that caused required a restart when editing and recompiling a Personal Book.
- Sermon Builder
- Fixed a bug that prevented Indent and Unindent keyboard shortcuts from working. Keyboard shortcuts changed to Tab and Shift+Tab.
- Fixed a bug that caused Thematic Outlines to periodically not copy to a Sermon Document.
Bug Fixes for Windows
- Dark Mode
- Fixed styling bug causing the separator in the “Word-by-Word” guide section to be unreadable.
- Fixed Dark Mode styling bug that caused the Print/Export pagination to be unreadable.
- Fixed Dark Mode styling bug for Cards in Workflow sections.
- Library
- Fixed a bug that caused resources selected in the Library to be deselected after metadata is edited. Thread