Logos 9.7
Logos 9.7
Note: The format of saved concordances was changed in 9.7, and all concordances saved in 9.6 or earlier will need to be recreated.
Known Issue: There is a known issue that sometimes causes slides to not be generated in Sermon Builder when heading styles are applied. Using the “Add slides from selected text” button will generate the slide.
Released: August 17, 2021
New Features
- Documents
- Documents duplicated from the Panel Menu will now have a notification and link to open the document.
- Factbook Tool
- Selecting a different Factbook sidebar index now scrolls to and expands to the correct page.
- Improved TOC sort order.
- Interactives
- Updated Text Converter Interactive to SBL Handbook of Style, 2nd ed.
- Library
- Added a new Preview link to items in the Store Tab.
- Program Settings
- Added a setting to show/hide the Store button.
- Sermon Builder
- Added Scripture block insertion inline suggestions.
- Added the ability to drag and drop items in the Outline sidebar.
- Added the ability to find text in a sermon using the CTRL/CMD+F keyboard shortcut.
- Biblical People Guide Section
- Removed the requirement to own the Biblical People Diagrams resource to use the Guide Section.
- Factbook Tool
- Changed separators in the “Also” list to semi-colons.
- Highlighting Tool
- Updated colors for System Highlighting Styles for better contrast in Dark Mode.
- Updated and expanded color options for custom styles.
- “Automatic” text colors in custom styles now adapt to background color to better readability.
- Library
- Improved sorting, faceting, and filtering performance.
- Replaced the yellow notification bar in the library with an indicator that is less distruptive. Thread
- Notes Tool
- Improved note text editing performance.
- Other
- Improved navigation box performance for some panels (e.g. search, guides, workflows).
- Improved performance of label searches.
- Resources
- Improved performance of many visual filters, including Atlas Maps, Community Notes, Corresponding Selection, Corresponding Words, Emphasize Active Lemmas, Emphasize Active References, Other Media, and Verse of the Day.
- Improved Bible scrolling performance.
Removed Features
- Ask the Author Tool
- Removed the “Ask the Author” Tool.
- Groups Tool
- Wikipedia Tool
- Removed the Wikipedia Tool.
Bug Fixes
- Application
- Fixed a bug that prevented changes to the Application Theme from being reflected.
- Basic Search
- Fixed a crash in Bookstore search when results included an unsellable resource. Thread
- Commentaries Guide Section
- Fixed a bug that caused Commentaries to not properly expand or collapse. Thread
- Dark Mode
- Fixed styling bugs for Visual Filter Documents.
- Fixed styling bugs for the Bible Sense Lexicon Tool. Thread, Thread
- Fixed stylings bugs in the Passage Analysis Tool.
- Factbook Tool
- Fixed a bug that caused some section for the February 29 page when it is a leap year.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Factbook sidebar to scale when Program and Content Scaling is changed.
- Go Box
- Fixed a bug that caused the Go Box to not respect the command to “Go to” or “Lookup” a reference in a particular resource. Thread
- Guide Templates
- Fixed a bug that caused Guide Templates to not load the correct collections when added in Verbum. Thread
- Library
- Fixed a bug that caused the Store Tab to not refresh correctly after making a purchase.
- Notes Tool
- Reverted changes to the Notes Editor color palette. Thread
- Resources
- Fixed a bug that caused Hebrew headwords to have unnecessary parentheses in the resource Reference Box.
- Fixed a bug that caused newly purchased resources to not automatically download when “Automatically Start Downloads” is set to no. Thread
- Fixed the Media visual filters (Atlas Maps, Other Media, Verse of the Day).
- Sermon Builder
- Fixed a bug that prevented Sermon Builder from linking to the correct Bible reference for some preferred Bibles.
- Fixed a bug that caused Sermon Documents to lose some content, except Headings, when the document is reopened after previously deleting and undeleting content.
- Fixed a bug that caused slide text to be lost when changing backgrounds.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused text from heading style slides to not use centered text.
Bug Fixes for Mac
- Sermon Builder
- Enabled Cmd+]/Cmd+[ for Sermon indentation.
Bug Fixes for Windows
- Bible Search
- Fixed a bug that caused Bible Cross-Reference hyperlinks to not work. Thread, Thread