Check Forums for recent issue(s)
7.18 and Newer releases need TLS 1.2 for online connection as of 10 Dec 2018 (so older releases are offline)
Problem(s) can affect a number of users so checking recent forum threads could have relevant problem and solution discussion(s):
- Logos 7 – Unsupported Logos 7, Verbum 7, & Noet 7
If your problem appears to be unique then start a support thread on the relevant Logos forum; ensuring that you clearly explain what caused the problem, and what steps you’ve already taken to try and resolve it (see Bug Report):
Note: you should start a new thread if a thread(s) is older than 2 months or does not have feedback confirming the recommended fix! Unsupported releases have less forum activity plus upgrade to a supported release will be recommended.
Known Problems and Solutions
Applies to Logos 7, Verbum 7, and Noet 7 applications
Crashes or Fails to Open
Logos Help Center (LHC) has What to do if Logos Crashes | Mac + Verbum Help Center (VHC) has What to do if Verbum Crashes | Mac Solution 3 about Corrupt Fonts has been needed by many macOS and OS X users after applying an Apple update. Logos4 + Verbum folder permissions in user’s Library prevented files and folders from being written, which resulted in “Untitled” menu items.
Recommend restarting Mac as a troubleshooting step to see if crash repeats.
Note: if you installed and launched a Beta version (updates database files), then try reverting back to older Stable version, launching application will crash since Stable version cannot use newer Beta database files.
Incomplete or Incorrect Search Results
Searches in Logos use local indexes based on your library. Users can rebuild indexes by using Rebuild Index command OR rebuild index for a particular resource. Refer to Logos 7 Commands for rebuild commands.
Indexer Automatic Launch
When logging into Mac, by default Indexer launches to prepare your Library: indexing, resource, and program updates. Nominally if everything is up to date, indexer checks are done in a few seconds. Can use defaults command to change automatic login launch setting:
- Open Terminal (inside Utility folder in Applications)
- defaults write ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.logos.LogosIndexer RunAtLoad -bool No
Note: use defaults read command to display current setting: 0 = No (Not Run), 1 = Yes (Do Run)- defaults read ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.logos.LogosIndexer RunAtLoad
- Quit Terminal
Application |
Parameter List (plist) |
Logos |
com.logos.LogosIndexer |
Verbum |
com.logos.VerbumIndexer |
Noet |
com.logos.NoetIndexer |
Indexer Problems?
Logos needs GigaBytes (GB) of available (free) disk space to index library; LibraryIndex folder needs duplication along plus ~2 GB more for temporary index files. Also, Indexing can take hours (to prepare library for use).
- If syncing many items (e.g. new installation with many notes), need sync to complete before indexing.
- While indexing (Blue Logos icon in Menu Bar), can open ~/Library/"Application Support"/Logos4/Logging/Indexer.log to monitor indexing progress. For ~/Library see User Library is Hidden below.
- Restarting Mac may be helpful – Indexer starts automatically after login (unless have changed setting using Indexer Automatic Launch).
- A cooling device may help since indexing can take hours and generate heat (processor and disk intensive)
- May want to exclude index files from Time Machine Backup to avoid disk contention
Kernel Panic
Kernel panics are often a result of hardware problems. Recommend free appointment with Mac Genius in Apple Store - Genius’s have current hardware diagnostic software along with knowing what Apple Hardware has extended warranties. Heat can cause hardware issues. Logos indexing is processor and disk intensive for an extended time that may need additional cooling to help dissipate heat, e.g. fan(s) blowing at computer.
Launch to Home Page or Layout not working
Note: Sync on startup may take awhile. While sync is in progress, have option to click a button to start using Logos.
Try starting with blank layout and/or work offline => Launch Logos then quickly press and hold command key until sign-in dialog box appears (release command key) – click “Use blank layout” and/or “Work offline”, then click sign-in. See Keyboard Shortcuts For Mac
Spinning Beach Ball
The X Labs has Spinning Beach Ball of Death troubleshooting page (with many useful items) =>
Observation: opening Logos while securely emptying trash can cause a Spinning Beach Ball cursor (due to disk contention).
Time Machine Backup
Since Bible + Library Indexes can be rebuilt (using rebuild index command), may want to exclude couple folders from backup:
/Users/username/Library/"Application Support"/Logos4/Data/random/BibleIndex
/Users/username/Library/"Application Support"/Logos4/Data/random/LibraryIndex
Note: username is your login name; random is a random 8.3 folder name created by Logos (e.g. qofvuuiv.o15).
Forum Excluding Index from Time Machine has screen shots plus couple more exclude possibilities. Forum Time Machine grrr! has couple Time Machine usage tips.
Application |
User’s Library "Application Support" folder |
Logos |
/Users/username/Library/"Application Support"/Logos4 |
Verbum |
/Users/username/Library/"Application Support"/Verbum |
Noet |
/Users/username/Library/"Application Support"/Noet |
Uninstalling Logos for Mac
Before Uninstalling, recommend restarting Mac (see if issue goes away) and launch to blank layout, see sign-in tip
Note: If using a supported Stable release, before uninstalling, please contact Tech Support if the program does not seem to be functioning properly. An uninstall/reinstall may not be the solution. Beta issue(s) are discussed in Logos Desktop Beta forum
In Finder window, Home icon
appears next to your username for quick access to /Users/username For ~/Library see User Library is Hidden below.
- To Delete an item: can drag item to trash OR right click on item, then click “Move to Trash” OR highlight item, then press Command-Delete.
Optional: Restart Mac + empty trash after deletion.
- Before Uninstalling, close (or force quit) Logos and Indexer (if blue Logos icon on menu bar, click icon, then click Cancel).
- To Uninstall Logos, delete application, caches, launch agent, parameter list (plist), and mono configuration files (username is your login name):
- Delete Logos from your Dock
- Delete Logos application (nominally from Applications folder)
- Delete com.logos.Logos in /Users/username/Library/Caches
- Delete com.logos.LogosIndexer in /Users/username/Library/Caches (folder may not exist)
- Delete com.logos.LogosIndexer.plist in /Users/username/Library/LaunchAgents
- Delete com.logos.Logos.plist in /Users/username/Library/Preferences
- Delete com.logos.LogosCEF.plist in /Users/username/Library/Preferences (file may not exist)
- Delete com.logos.LogosInstaller.plist in /Users/username/Library/Preferences (file may not exist)
- Delete com.logos.Logos.savedState in /Users/username/Library/Saved Application State (folder may not exist)
- Delete logos in /Users/username/.mono/registry/CurrentUser/software (folder .mono nominally hidden)
- Finder => Go menu => Go to Folder... => ~/.mono/registry/CurrentUser/software (Go) => Delete logos and logos4
- Open Terminal (inside Utility folder in Applications)
- rm -rf ~/.mono/registry/CurrentUser/software/logos*
- Quit Terminal
- Optional: Delete keypairs in /Users/username/.config/.mono/keypairs (folder .config nominally hidden)
- Finder => Go menu => Go to Folder... => ~/.config/.mono (Go) => Delete keypairs
- Open Terminal (inside Utility folder in Applications)
- rm -rf ~/.config/.mono/keypairs
- Quit Terminal
- If want to Completely Uninstall,
- With download of all your Logos resources, then delete /Users/username/Library/"Application Support"/Logos4 folder
OR - Avoid download by using Copy Logos Resources to macOS, including Note to delete Logos4 folder after saving Resources folder.
Application |
User’s Library "Application Support" folder |
Parameter List (plist) |
Logos |
/Users/username/Library/"Application Support"/Logos4 |
com.logos.LogosIndexer |
Verbum |
/Users/username/Library/"Application Support"/Verbum |
com.logos.VerbumIndexer |
Noet |
/Users/username/Library/"Application Support"/Noet |
com.logos.NoetIndexer |
Want to downgrade from Beta to Stable
Beta bugginess is not for everyone (fixing some bugs spans several Beta releases). However, downgrading in middle of a Beta development cycle is difficult. Potential Risk: some documents may not sync to a Stable release eg. a new feature or format. If want to downgrade from Beta to Stable version, need to Completely Uninstall Beta using Uninstalling Logos for Mac, then install Stable using Installing Logos for Mac OR Copy Logos Resources to macOS (avoids re-downloading many of your Logos resource files).
Transition option: can use command Set Update Channel to Default for automatic transition to Stable channel for current development cycle (Beta updates followed by “Gold” and service releases). If want no more Beta updates, can use command Set Update Channel to Stable (only future “Gold” and service releases).