Logos 4.6a Logos 4.6aNew FeaturesPersonal BooksImplemented syntax for Sermons and Illustrations. When this syntax is added, the compiler will automatically generate indices at the end of the book by date, passage, speaker, tags, topic, and venue.For sample documents, see this thread or this thread.The compiler will also automatically generate headwords for the topics, which will be used by the Topics section (for Sermons) and Illustrations section (for Illustrations) of the Passage Guide.Fields are added via a table format, where the top-left cell contains ‘Sermon File Type’.Passages, topics, tags, dates, speakers, and venues specified in the metadata are preserved in the compiled document and restyled. Any other information will not be preserved.Topics, tags, speakers, and venues in the restyled metadata will act as hyperlinks to the index at the end of the book.Tags are searchable using the ‘My Tag’ search field.Dates are searchable as well.The metadata should be added after the title of the relevant sermon or illustration.Except for the ‘Sermon File Type’ which is required for the first row, the other metadata lines can be added as desired in any order.The field types are:Sermon File Type: ‘Sermon’ or ‘Illustration’ (Note: the compiler will only recognize one type, the type in the first table, per book.)Passages: Standard Bible reference formats. Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.Topics: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.Tags: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.Date: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon. (The compiler will attempt to parse the date.)Speakers: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.Venues: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.Example:Sermon File TypeSermonPassagesGen 1:1; John 3:16TopicsCreation; LoveTagsExamples; TestingDateOctober 23, 2000SpeakersJohn; MaryVenuesBellingham; WashingtonSynchronizationImplemented sync v2 for Bookmarks, Highlighting, Passage Lists, Self Tests, Visual Filters, and Word Find Puzzle.Bug FixesContext MenuFixed bug which prevented copying an item from the reference tab from working as expected. (See this thread.)ExplorerFixed bug which caused crash when running the Explorer media section on an account with no resources.NotesFixed bug which caused hint text for empty note titles to appear in the Print/Export window.Fixed bug which caused Outline pane to be exported rather than active note in Split view. (See this thread.)Reading PlanFixed bug which caused group drop-down menu to not appear in the Spanish interface.Fixed bug which allowed for reading plans to be generated without a resource selected.Fixed bug which prevented creating group reading plans for non-template plans in the Spanish user interface.Fixed bug which caused crash when generating a plan with an invalid range.Search Panel BasicFixed bug which caused searching on ‘My Tag’ to give results in resources without tags.Fixed bug which prevented ‘My Tag’ search field from appearing when searching in ‘My Content’.ToolsAdded tooltip for ‘Community Notes’ item.Word Find PuzzleFixed bug which prevented document title from properly updating to passage range used in the puzzle.Fixed crash caused by Word Find Puzzle. (See this thread.)Word ListsFixed bug which prevented lemmas with leading spaces from sorting correctly. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused adding from selected text to include punctuation. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented word counts from importing correctly. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused Cards view to populate from the Lemma column rather than the Display column. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented Display column from being populated correctly. (See this thread.)Fixed bug in saving search results as a word list. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented intersection merge from functioning as expected. (See this thread.)Fixed crash when saving search results as a word list.Fixed various localization issues in the Merge menu for the Spanish user interface.Fixed bug which did not correctly populate all columns for morphologically tagged Greek resources like the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament.Bug Fixes for MacBible Word StudyFixed bug which caused results section to not automatically expand in the Preposition section.Fixed bug which caused gloss for original language words in the suggestions drop-down to be truncated.Biblical PeopleFixed bug which caused titles to display in a too small font size.Fixed bug which prevented a “No illustrations available” message for terms with no illustrations.Fixed bug which prevented navigation arrows from turning gray when there are no further items to scroll (also fixed in Biblical Places and Biblical Things). (See this thread.)Biblical PlacesFixed bug which caused map not to display when opening panel to “Biblical World” map for Nazareth.Cited ByFixed bug which caused second level headings display “SmartTextPanel”.CollectionsFixed bug which prevented the title of the currently selected collection in the “Open” dropdown from autoscrolling into view or from appearing in bold font. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused Favorites and Shortcuts created from Favorites to open the wrong Collection. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused resource titles to be truncated incorrectly. (See this thread.)Copy Bible VersesFixed bug which caused text in the text entry box for the style name to be truncated for the descending portions of the text.Fixed bug which prevented font scaling of the panel.Fixed bug which prevented custom styles using named styles to display correctly in Word.FavoritesFixed bug which caused one or more folders to collapse when creating a new folder or deleting a folder (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused crash when Favorites folder was dragged down to Bookmarks section.Fixed bug which caused Favorites to truncate incorrectly. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused favorites that opened in a floating window to appear behind the main window.File menuFixed bug which prevented informational hover popup from being dismissed when right clicking on an item to view the context menu.Graph Search ResultsFixed bug which caused graphs for search results to be truncated in large panels. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented popup label with count total appearing on mouseover on Pie Charts.Fixed bug which prevented Gray Scale color scheme from persisting when switching between charts.Fixed bug which prevented Bar and Column Chart from scaling to window size.GuidesFixed bug which caused “more” link to appear in Guide sections which did not have more results to display.Fixed bug which caused Title text box not to scale with font scale slider.Fixed bug which prevented tooltip from appearing when hovering over stars.Fixed bug which caused text in Grammars section to truncate incorrectly.Fixed bug which caused Resources and Commentaries dropdowns in Guide Template Editor to appear misaligned.Home PageFixed bug where the titles and book covers for Pre-Pubs and Community Pricing were not functioning as hyperlinks on the Mac home page.Fixed bug which caused the arrows for paging through the home page ribbon to always display the same color, even when there were no further results to page through.Fixed bug which caused missing “More” hyperlink for Bible excerpts.Fixed bug which caused intermittent ribbon display issues when window size was approximately 816-822 pixels wide.HighlightingFixed bug which caused *.png and *.jpg not to be recognized when adding an image to a palette.LayoutsFixed bug which prevented updated collections from persisting in saved layouts. (See this thread.)LibraryFixed bug which prevented Advanced Prioritization section from collapsing when another resource was selected.Log In ScreenFixed bug which prevented the “Why?” link on the bottom of the log in screen to open correctly.Media ResourcesFixed bug which caused “Related Media” images in the Logos Hymnal Media Resource to display in a very small size.Fixed bug which caused no tooltip to display for truncated titles in audio navigation bar.New Guide TemplateFixed bug that caused sections added to one open template to be added to all open templates.NotesAdjusted styling of Note icon dropdown to match Windows.Fixed bug which prevented formatting from appearing correctly for notes that lacked content. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented using the tab key to move between fields in Split view. (See this thread.)Panel MenuFixed bug which caused both the “Float This Panel” and “Dock This Panel” options to always show, regardless of whether panel was docked or floating.Passage AnalysisAdded tooltips, popup windows on hover, and additional interactivity to the Version River.Passage ListFixed bug where performing a Find on a Passage List did not fully filter passages.Fixed bug which caused prevented Add Passage dialog from being dismissed after a passage was added.Fixed bug which caused Print/Export preview to display stacked view rather than column view after closing and reopening a list.Fixed bug which caused column alignment issues in Print/Export preview.Added more comprehensive keyboard support.Prayer ListFixed bug which caused tags not to wrap, and therefore get truncated.Print/ExportAdded “Copy to Clipboard” option to Print/Export panel. (See this thread.)Removed “Print as exported/Print as shown...” options when printing Reading Plan list.Fixed bug which caused errors when exporting languages other than English. (See this thread.)PronunciationFixed bug which caused text in search box to scale with the font slider.Reading PlanFixed bug which prevented “Mark as read” tooltip from appearing for a visual filter link in a resource.Changed the font of the Reading Indicators from Times New Roman to Alber New.Added transparent red background to passage range box when an invalid entry is entered. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused misalignment of ‘Export’ button in Export to iCal menu. (See this thread.)Fixed crash when clicking on a ‘Common Divisions’ option. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented the title text box from sizing correctly for longer titles.Fixed bug which prevented full Spanish localization of the days of the week frequency drop down menu.Resource PanelFixed bug which prevented media images from being searched using the Find bar.Added tooltips for Copy locations in Panel Menu.Fixed bug which caused Logos Hymnal Media Resource to navigate to previous song when clicking “MIDI” link. (See this thread.)Added visual indicator for end of results in Find box; Find text entry box now turns pink color to indicate end of hits. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused interlinear button not to appear if a resource which had an interlinear was opened from a resource which did not have an interlinear.Fixed bug which prevented information popup from appearing for notes in Logos Deluxe Map Set.Fixed bug which caused crash when clicking on morph information in the interlinear panel.Fixed bug which caused crash when copying all the text of the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary on James. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented the text of interlinear options from turning black when they were available.Reverse InterlinearFixed bug which prevented Reverse Interlinear pane from scaling up with the font scaler for the resource panel.Search Panel BasicFixed bug which caused resource information popups not to display when hovering over the resource name.Search Panel BibleFixed bug which prevented users from scrolling search results using the up and down arrow keys. (See this thread.)Added tooltip to display entire verse in Grid View when verse text was truncated.Fixed bug which caused named range to save incorrectly.Fixed bug which caused leftmost column to grow to fit the window size when the window is wider than the visible columns in Analysis View.Fixed bug which caused columns not to stay in the location they were dragged to in Analysis view.Fixed bug which caused Collapse All command to only collapse sections not currently visible in the panel.Fixed bug which caused occasional inconsistent space dividers in Aligned view.Search Panel MorphFixed bug which caused performance issues.Self TestsFixed bug which prevented references in answers from turning into hyperlinks.Sentence DiagramFixed bug which caused pasted text to be misaligned with shaded text box. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented click-and-dragging of shapes from palette to sentence diagram. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which prevented bibliographic information from appearing. (See this thread.)ShortcutsAdjusted icons on Mac to be the same size and spacing as Windows. (See this thread.)Shut DownFixed bug which caused ‘Exit Now’ button text to be misaligned vertically. (See this thread.)StartupFixed bug which caused the “Preparing your Library” message to be truncated in the Spanish user interface.Syntax SearchFixed bug which caused context menu not to open when Ctrl+Clicking a node. (See this thread.)Fixed bug which caused certain context menu options not to highlight when hovered over.Fixed bug which prevented selected “Highlighting” and “Matching” options in context menu to show checkmarks.Fixed bug which prevented font slider from scaling font for search results.Fixed bug which caused hanging when trying to scroll large search results.Fixed bug which prevented tooltips from appearing for truncated queries in the “Query” search history dropdown.Fixed bug which caused lag between clicking on “Query” search history dropdown and the appearance of the dropdown.Text ComparisonFixed bug which caused no separating space between resources in vertical layout.Word ListsFixed bug which prevented Merge menu items from highlighting when moused over.Fixed bug which caused Merge menu items to work only when the icon was clicked, and not the text description next to the icon.Added context menu for Expand All, Collapse All, etc.Fixed bug which caused crash when grouping by a column while in edit mode.Fixed bug which prevented instructions in the Add menu from displaying correctly in the Swedish interface.Fixed crash attempting to delete multiple rows spanning multiple grouped sections.Bug Fixes for WindowsAccessibilityFixed bug which prevented opening of the Available Row Types menu in the Reverse Interlinear Pane.Added Automation Names to Available Row Types menu in the Reverse Interlinear Pane.NotesFixed bug which prevented a scroll bar from appearing for long notes in Split view. (See this thread.)SetupFixed bug which prevented installing Logos without being logged into Windows as the administrative user. (See this thread.)